1) What should/can be modelled in which dimension 1/2/3D? - H-ingestion into He-burning shells in both massive, AGB stars and accreting WDs to be modelled in 3D. - Model advanced burning shells/Si-burning in 3D (thermal/radiative effects small/negligible) - Link to observational constraints crucial but difficult: to be done via 1D models 2) Input Physics/unsolved problems: What is the impact of binarity/magnetic fields on SE? - Improvement in interplay between rotation and magnetic fields needed: - - Asteroseismology --> New braking process needed for red giant - - WDs/NSs rotation rates slower than models predict - - combine constraints from boosted weak and main s process - Mass loss uncertainties: close to Eddington limit, LBV/RSG large. Hard to make progress on this point - How to explain odd-Z elements observational constraints? Neutron excess (induced by rotation) can help, even for elements between silicon and iron test with one zone calculation/full star models 3) Low and intermediate mass stars: - Investigate convective boundary mixing below and above He-burning thermal pulse driven convective zone --> carbon content in intershell - Investigate the impact of rotation+magnetic fields on the carbon-13 pocket --> size of carbon-13 pocket - Gather observational constraints (WD rotation rate, elemental abundance ratios) - Investigate the importance of the i-process: How frequent is it? Could it also occur in massive stars? - Model accretion phase towards type Ia SNe. How difficult is it to reach Chandrasekhar mass in the single degenerate scenario? - - n-capture nucleosynthesis to determine if SNIa can contribute to p nuclei. 4) Priority list for reaction rates (re-)measurement: - Charged-particle reactions: 12C(a,g),22Ne(a,n)/(a,g),17O(a,g)/(a,n), n-captures on e.g. Si28-30 for grains, ? - Investigate molecule condensation and dust production in SNe. Link to SN theme: - Determine what level of asymmetry would affect SN explosions - Provide progenitor models with and without rotation, magnetic fields and binary effects - Determine what are reasonable rotation/B-field initial conditions for MHD simulations